Low temperature solar thermal energy is an innovative and sustainable way to take advantage of solar radiation for multiple applications using solar collectors to capture the sun's heat and convert it into useful energy with more moderate temperatures compared to high-temperature solar energy.
Rejeb et al. developed a new solar PV/T design to improve thermoelectric (TE) performance, as shown in Fig. 15. They found that this advanced channel PV/T design with optical coating can operate at higher fluid temperatures and lower SC temperatures. And it had better electrical and thermal efficiency.
The temperature effect of SCs will affect the intrinsic properties of SC materials and the parameters that characterize SC performance. This will ultimately affect its power generation efficiency. This work reviews previous studies on temperature effects in SCs.
Introduction The important role of the operating temperature in relation to the electrical efficiency of a photovoltaic (PV) device, be it a simple module, a PV/thermal collector or a building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) array, is well established and documented, as can be seen from the attention it has received by the scientific community.
The efficiency of the PV system when operating under actual outdoor operating conditions will be reduced compared with the environment in the laboratory. This is mainly due to the sensitivity of the SC to environmental factors.
The operating temperature plays a key role in the photovoltaic conversion process. Both the electrical efficiency and the power output of a photovoltaic (PV) module depend linearly on the operating temperature.