A 150ah battery may be limited to 1800 watts (12V) or 3600 watts (24V), but if you join it with other 150ah batteries, you can run as large a load as needed. If you have four of these batteries charge by solar panels the runtime will be longer. The only limitation is the inverter size.
Inverter capacity is measured in watts. Battery sizes are measured in amp hours, so you need to find out how many watts a 150ah battery is. Battery ah x battery voltage = watts So if you have a 1 2V Eco Worthy LiFePO4 150ah battery, the watt capacity is 1800. With a 24V battery that would be 3600 watts.
A 12V 150ah battery can store 1800 watts so a 2000 watt inverter is the right size. A 24V 150ah battery holds up to 3600 watts, which means you should use a 4000 watt inverter. Inverter capacity is measured in watts. Battery sizes are measured in amp hours, so you need to find out how many watts a 150ah battery is.
The number of appliances or devices you can load depends on the battery capacity . A 150ah battery may be limited to 1800 watts (12V) or 3600 watts (24V), but if you join it with other 150ah batteries, you can run as large a load as needed. If you have four of these batteries charge by solar panels the runtime will be longer.
Most 150W panels are 12V, so any 12V battery will do. The only question is what battery size to use. The right battery size for a 150W solar panel depends on how many appliances you will use and for how long. It also depends on the battery discharge rate, as that limits how much of the capacity you can actually use.
To work out what size battery you’ll need, you can start by calculating your electricity usage. Look at either your smart meter or your monthly energy bill, which will tell you how much you use on average. Then, divide by thirty to get a rough estimation of your daily energy use, and you’ll be able to work out what size battery is best for you.