Say half an hour, then 24 V 24+ A supply. Replacing a battery from a battery-operated equipment with a power supply can be tricky. Especially when the equipment uses an electric motor. The problem is that an electric motor can draw very large startup current - it can be as 10-20 times the nominal for a couple of seconds.
If I replace my batteries with a power supply of equal voltage, then the current in the system also stays the same. This project uses this relationship to replace Voltage, V supplied by a battery with voltage supplied by a DC power supply – nothing else is changed.
This toy just sits on the desk, so it’s a good candidate to modify to accept a DC power supply instead of batteries. This idea is not well suited to something like an R.C. Car, but in a pinch, you can use it on the remote control for your TV. Wall outlet power is generally alternating current, or ‘AC’.
Sometimes when you upgrade your PC, you will find that current power supply isn’t powerful enough to support your new system. If you need to replace your power supply, here is how. Unscrew and remove the side panel of your tower and locate the power supply.
Without knowing the make and model of your laptop, there is no way to really help you. That said, if your laptop can use a USB C connection for power, there are more than a few USB C power banks out there that might be useful in a case like this. Battery Depot has new batteries for that machine. Good luck. Thank you.
A battery is able to supply that current, while a typical power supply with overcurrent protecton may latch or enter hiccup mode, from which it cant escape. First of all you need to determine the nominal motor current and the maximum current. The maximum current flows when the motor is mechanically overloaded.