For feeding cables into the capacitor bank cabinet, always and only use the cable entry points available for this purpose. There is a cable entry point on the bottom (base of the cabinet) in all the models and also an entry point on the side in some models.
The National Electric Code of the country where the capacitor bank is in-stalled or operated should be strictly followed. - Ensure that the inner circuit breaker that starts the regulator (Figure 10) is connected. -Connect the power supply to the panel and check that the regulator display illuminates im-mediately.
In order to adjust the regulator incorporated to the capacitor bank and for opti-mum start-up, the installation load must be at least 30% or 40% of the nominal load for which the capacitor bank has been dimensioned. If all the stages are not included, they can be manually connected to check them all.
Force the connection and disconnection of the capacitors in manual mode. (refer to the reg-ulator's manual before carrying out these actions) and perform the following checks: . Check that the contactors connect and disconnect properly. Check that the contactor, once connected, does not rattle or vibrate.
The automatic capacitor banks include a power factor regulator. The operation of said regulator must be known prior to start-up; for this reason, all the capacitor banks include a specific manual for the regulator used. Ensure you have this manual available for the start-up process.
lectricalCodemanualtodeterminewire,fuseanddisconnectsizerequ rements.Motors are rated at 460 volts. Full load amps shown ar output.NOTE− xtremesofoperatingrangeareplusandminus10%oflinevoltage.ELECTRICAL DATA − GCS16General 10.1 5.0 5.0Combustion Air Inducer Motor (1 phase) full 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 load amps0.7 0.7 0.7 0