The impact circuit model of lithium-ion batteries can accurately analyze the failure behavior of a given device under high acceleration mechanical impact, but it cannot further reveal the influence of key structural parameters of lithium-ion batteries on the impact resistance of lithium-ion batteries.
Internal resistance is also a critical index to define state of health (SoH) for lithium ion batteries 3. Cell resistance also has implications for the performance of the entire battery system. Battery systems in applications such as electric vehicles (EVs) employ a large number of cells connected in series and parallel.
(a) Schematic diagram of the impact process of lithium-ion batteries and (b) the relaxation phenomenon proposed by Fuller . With the discharge process of lithium-ion batteries, lithium ions are separated from the negative electrode, transported through the electrolyte and embedded in the positive material.
Figure 1 shows the basic working principle of a Li-ion battery. Since the electrolyte is the key component in batteries, it affects the electro-chemical performance and safety of the batteries. ... ... batteries showed good cyclability even at elevated temperatures up to 55 °C due to better thermal stability.
Lithium, a key component of modern battery technology, serves as the electrolyte's core, facilitating the smooth flow of ions between the anode and cathode. Its lightweight nature, combined with exceptional electrochemical characteristics, makes it indispensable for achieving high energy density (Nzereogu et al., 2022).
And because the battery potential now exceeds its stable operating potential window, the surface Li + ions reacts with the electrolyte to generate a thicker SEI layer, which in turn increases internal battery resistance.