Find relevant information for Swaziland/Eswatini on energy access (access to electricity, access to clean cooking, renewable energy and energy efficiency) on the Tracking SDG7 homepage. (Sustainable Development Goal indicators 7.1 energy access, 7.2 on renewable energy and 7.3 on energy efficiency).
In collaboration with private entities and foreign aid programs, the Swazi government is taking crucial and necessary steps to advance its energy infrastructure and deliver power to the 17% of the population (more than 200,000 people) living without it.
Find a summarized energy profile for Swaziland/Eswatini ( Atlas of Africa Energy Sources ). Power Africa states these issues as the biggest for the country's energy sector : Lack of clarity in roles for procurement between the Swaziland Energy Regulatory Authority (SERA) and SEC
Hydroelectric power currently stands as one of the most prominent energy sources in Eswatini. The EEC operates four hydropower plants, constituting 15% of the country’s electricity production and plans to bolster the existing infrastructure.
Through hands-on investment and partnerships with private corporations, the Swazi government exemplifies how emerging economies can electrify their populations with cutting-edge renewable energy technology. There is still much work and foreign investment can accelerate the process.
Photovoltaic (PV) solar cells are increasingly prominent sources of small-scale electricity production in Eswatini. The government actively encourages the adoption of solar panels in residential and commercial buildings to provide both electricity and water heating.