Not only is solar power environmentally friendly, but it also reduces the cost and load of electrical use in your motorhome. A standard 200W solar panel with a dual controller will monitor and charge your house and chassis' batteries simultaneously. 8.
Solar power’s rise in popularity spans various industries, and the RV sector is no exception. Just a few years ago, incorporating solar technology in RVs was either an elusive luxury or an expensive upgrade.
Yet, as 2024 beckons, an array of brands are unveiling models decked with built-in solar panels, inverters, and more, broadening the horizon for enthusiasts. If you’re scouring the market for a travel trailer that self-generates energy, there’s an expansive selection of solar-powered options awaiting discovery.
Opting for an RV with an integrated solar setup can significantly transform your travel experiences. Whether you harbor aspirations of untethered off-grid escapades or simply seek that supplementary power reservoir during trips, solar-equipped RVs are a boon. Sign up for the newsletter today!
Jayco is one of the first companies to offer solar prep, or solar panels, on every single motorhome. With sidewall or roof-mounted prep kits, you have the option to easily install solar panels, or additional panels if already solar equipped, for extra power at your camp. An RVs front cap bears a lot of the brunt of the road.
Dive deeper at Several Winnebago trailers now come equipped with built-in solar panels, including the HIKE 100 H1316SB. The 200-watt solar panel delivers reliable power, with an option for customers to have an additional panel installed. Despite its size, the interior doesn’t compromise on space.