This article describes about circuit that rotates solar panel. The Sun tracking solar panel consists of two LDRs, solar panel and a servo motor and NodeMCU. Two light dependent resistors are arranged on the edges of the solar panel. Light dependent resistors produce low resistance when light falls on them.
If you want to track the solar light in the vertical plane you need to build a separate sun tracker circuit. Analog Solar Panel Tracker Circuit by Bien Fallaria This is a simple and practical analog solar panel tracker circuit. Using four LDR (light dependent resistor) as a sensor in detecting the light source arranged as illustrated.
So, solar panel should continuously rotate in the direction of Sun. This article describes about circuit that rotates solar panel. The Sun tracking solar panel consists of two LDRs, solar panel and a servo motor and NodeMCU. Two light dependent resistors are arranged on the edges of the solar panel.
The Sun tracking solar panel consists of two LDRs, solar panel and a servo motor and ATmega328 Micro controller. Two light dependent resistors are arranged on the edges of the solar panel. Light dependent resistors produce low resistance when light falls on them.
The solar panel uses photovoltaic cells (PV cells). The PV cells detect the light intensity, and according to that, the tracker adjusts the direction of the solar panel to the position of the sun in the sky. When the tracker moves the panel perpendicular to the sun, more sunlight strikes the solar panel and less light is reflected.
For solar panels control is best to use small motors with a suitable voltage and a maximum working current of 300 mA. This solar tracker system is used for tracking the sun only in one plane, the horizontal one. If you want to track the solar light in the vertical plane you need to build a separate sun tracker circuit.