It has been estimated that the rational use of energy in Libya through utilizing more efficient appliances and lighting combined with improved behavior and energy management initiatives can save up to 2000 MW of installed capacity equivalent to burning 50 M barrels of oil [ 161 ].
Existing utilization state and predicted development potential of various RE technologies in Libya, including solar energy, wind (onshore & offshore), biomass, wave and geothermal energy, are thoroughly investigated.
The Government of National Unity in Libya has initiated the National Strategy for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, outlining plans for achieving 4 GW of combined solar and wind capacity by 2035.
Electricity and gasoline represent the bulk of energy consumption in Libya [ ]. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), electricity consumption in Libya was equivalent to 2580 kilo tonne of oil equivalent (ktoe) i.e., 2580 × 10 kg in 2017− a figure that is greater than its counterpart of the year 2000 by a factor of 2.5 (1032 ktoe) [ ].
The average potential of solar PV and onshore wind over the Libyan territories amounts to 1.9 MWh/kW/year and 400 W/m, respectively. Notwithstanding, biomass and geothermal energy sources are likely to play an important complementary role in this regard.
On the other hand, power generation efficiency in Libya is at the average of 28%, while losses in power transmission and distribution systems are at the level of 14% [ 168 ]. Therefore, efficiency of existing power generation and transmission infrastructure systems should be improved urgently.