One of the most common reasons why your solar light isn’t working is the wire between the solar panel and the battery. This wire is responsible for transferring the generated electricity from the solar panel to the solar battery — charging it in the process. If this wire is broken, then your batteries won’t charge no matter what you do.
Solar panel lights have sensors that enable them to turn on when it gets dark outside. These lights won’t turn on if the area around them is lit. They need darkness around them to realize that it’s dark and time for them to work. Solar panels have many components and can’t turn on without sensors that tell them to.
If your outdoor solar lamp has stopped working, the rechargeable batteries might need replacement. You can test the lights with a regular battery to ensure if the rechargeable battery is at fault. A faulty battery could either not get enough charge or be unable to hold it for long.
To fix solar lights not working, check and remove the battery pull tab, replace or deep charge the batteries, repair any damaged wiring, clean the solar panels, and ensure they’re positioned in direct sunlight. How Do You Reset a Solar Light?
You can check during the nighttime by covering the sensor with your hand or cloth, and if it brings to light, it is working perfectly fine. On the contrary, it will show no light if it is defective. 4. The solar panels are covered with dirt
However, if your house or trees envelop the solar panels in the dark, especially during afternoon hours, they won’t get quite enough sunlight, and they might not turn on all night long. 2. Batteries’ lifespan has come to an end