The best all-year-round angle for PV (photovoltaic) solar panels in the UK is 35-40 degrees. The best angle for each region within the UK will vary slightly within this. For seasonal changes, the best angle for summertime is 20 degrees and 50 degrees in winter. See below for the optimum angle for each UK region.
Simply enter your address and it will provide the optimal angles for each season, as well as a year-round average angle for your specific location. An example of the calculator results. Discover the best angle for your solar panels with our Solar Panel Tilt Angle Calculator. Maximize energy efficiency and save money!
That's why we created a solar panel angle calculator to help you determine the ideal angle for every season and month. Granted, not all panels are mounted in a way that allows them to be adjusted on a monthly (or even seasonal) basis, so we also provide the best angle to keep your panels year-round if you won't be adjusting them.
The tilt angle of your solar panels should ideally match the angle of the sun’s rays for maximum sunlight absorption. This angle varies depending on your geographic location, the time of year, and the specific daily trajectory of the sun across the sky. 1. Latitude
For seasonal changes, the best angle for summertime is 20 degrees and 50 degrees in winter. See below for the optimum angle for each UK region. If you have a solar system that can move with the seasons, whether manually or automatically, you will need to calculate the tilt according to the time of year.
The general guideline is to add 15 degrees to your latitude during winter and subtract 15 degrees from your latitude during summer. As already mentioned, while these seasonal adjustments can optimise energy production, we recommend setting your panels at a fixed angle year-round for ease and practicality.