These top 10 European battery manufacturers include Saft Batteries, Northvolt, BMZ, Leclanché, Tesvolt, Acciona, Customcells, Akasol, Voltabox, Terrae Holding. For battery manufacturers in specific European countries, you can refer to: Industry status: Saft Batteries is a leading manufacturer of advanced batteries for various applications.
Sites which are about the European electrical batteries such as battery manufacturing companies, retail and wholesale suppliers of batteries. Accuma Group - Offers electric batteries for the production of automotive, traction, stationary and recombination batteries.
Accuma Group - Offers electric batteries for the production of automotive, traction, stationary and recombination batteries. Denchi Power - Offers rechargeable batteries, non-rechargeable batteries, charging solutions, rugged military batteries, space batteries & more. Energizer - Manufacturers of battery related products.
We design custom battery chargers to match the specification of your bespoke battery pack. We are a Europe-based lithium-ion battery manufacturer specialising in the development of custom battery pack solutions for OEMs with the ability to ship our products to key markets including Europe, and the US.
Industry status: BMZ is a leading manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries in Europe and worldwide. Main products: High-performance lithium-ion batteries are available from BMZ for a variety of uses, including power equipment, energy storage systems, and electric cars.
With 40 years of experience and state-of-the-art production capabilities, Alexander Battery Technologies supports OEMs to bring complex lithium-ion battery packs and battery chargers to market for applications including e-mobility, robotics/AGV, medical, power tools and portable and wearable devices.