The cumulative installed capacity of China accounts for 33.77% of the global PV installed capacity. Specifically, China owns abundant solar energy resources due to its broad areas with rich solar radiation. Supported by the Chinese government, the photovoltaic industry system has made continuous progress with the significant improvement.
Chinese President Xi Jinping announced at the 2020 Climate Ambition Summit that China plans to have 1,200 GW of combined solar and wind energy capacity by 2030.
The comprehensive energy system in China has various kinds of forms, including “ubiquitous energy internet” and “renewable energy micro grid” . The large-scale multi-energy complementary system includes different kinds of combinations (e.g. wind-PV-storage-transmission, hydro-PV, solar-coal).
While most PV projects in China are land-based due to solar energy's dispersed nature, there's an increasing focus on maximizing ‘water’ resources like oceans, lakes, reservoirs, and subsidence zones to improve land use efficiency .
An overview of the solar energy resources China has abundant solar energy resources, mainly distributed in the arid regions of plateau and the Western China [7, p. 3]. The annual average radiation level is 1050–2450 kW h/m 2 in these regions with 96% of area over 1050 kW h/m 2 [17, p. 36].
And despite all the turmoil, the Chinese solar industry has the manufacturing capacity to meet the demand. Discover all statistics and data on Solar energy in China now on!
OverviewHistorySolar resourcesSolar photovoltaicsConcentrated solar powerSolar water heatingEffects on the global solar power industryGovernment incentives
China is the largest market in the world for both photovoltaics and solar thermal energy. China''s photovoltaic industry began by making panels for satellites, and transitioned to the manufacture of domestic panels in the late 1990s. After substantial government incentives were introduced in 2011, China''s solar power market grew dramatically: the country became the world''s leading installer of photovoltaics