The main advantage of solar-powered underfloor heating is the running costs are cheaper than they would be without using solar power. Both solar PV and solar thermal panels use free energy from the sun to power your heating system. Plus, solar energy is eco-friendly.
A solar underfloor heating system is a system that uses solar panels to heat your home through heating elements embedded in your floor. There are two types of solar panels: solar thermal panels and solar PV (photovoltaic) panels.
Therefore, only the walkways and other constructions, such as sports complex and art gallery can be equipped with solar panels. The walkways on this deck can be one of the major contributors for PV installation, using the developed solar PV floor technology.
Chinese scientists have developed a PV floor tile they say is suitable for pavements and cycling tracks. The devices were tested on a ‘green deck’ in Hong Kong. The developers say the tiles have demonstrated satisfactory solar energy conversion, anti-slip performance, heat-resistance and strength.
Specifically, two solar PV floor tile prototypes are fabricated, and its electrical and thermal performance are tested in the lab and under real conditions. The mathematical model of the developed solar PV floor is also developed, and the simulated result is compared with outdoor tests.
In each floor tile, 9 mono-crystalline silicon solar cells are connected in series, so that the expected power generation and efficiency are about 30–40 Wp and 15%, respectively. Fig. 1. PV floor tile configuration. 2.1. PV floor configuration and sample