Among various technical challenges, it reviews the non-dispatch-ability, power quality, angular and voltage stability, reactive power support, and fault ride-through capability related to solar PV systems grid integration. Also, it addresses relevant socio-economic, environmental, and electricity market challenges.
Grid-connected photovoltaic systems installations are rising worldwide, due to the need of renewable energy sources, technology price development, availability of solar energy, and technology development for large scale applications, with such demand increase, many problems in connecting such systems arise.
Grid interconnection of PV power generation system has the advantage of more effective utilization of generated power. However, the technical requirements from both the utility power system grid side and the PV system side need to be satisfied to ensure the safety of the PV installer and the reliability of the utility grid.
Grid-connected PV systems Grid-connected PV systems include building integrated PV (BIPV) systems and terrestrial PV systems (including PV power plants in saline-alkali land, tideland and desert). At the scale of the entire interconnected electric power grid, generated electric power must be consumed within milliseconds of being generated.
Grid integration of RESs may lead to new challenges related to power quality, reliability, power system stability, harmonics, subsynchronous oscillations (SSOs), power quality, and reactive power compensation. The integration with energy storage systems (ESSs) can reduce these complexities that arise due to the intermittent nature of RESs.
Grid Regulations: Integrating a high percentage of solar power into existing grids poses technical and regulatory challenges . Upgrading grid infrastructure, developing smart grid technologies, and creating regulatory frameworks that support distributed generation and grid stability are necessary . ...