National Electricity Policy identifies three over-arching goals for the power sector, namely, Access to Affordable Energy, Energy Security and Sustainability. Further, the nine areas have been identified under the said policy wherein the policy directions are aimed for the attainment of aforesaid goals.
The plan outlines the implementation framework for the National Electricity Policy 2021 under the umbrella of six overarching objectives that include: diversification, resilience & accessibility, self-sufficiency, affordability, financial viability and sustainability.
Per National Electricity Policy, this National Electricity P lan will b e a five-year plan with fifteen years ' perspective. This first National Electricity Plan shall be applicable for the control period from the date of its notification till FY-2027.
Accordingly: EDB with assistance of the Designated Entity and relevant stakeholders, shall developa Power Sector Indigenization Plan (PSIP) by June 2024, to enable progres-sivelyincreasing share of indigenous equipment / components in power sector.
Accordingly, following key initiatives have been envisaged in this strategic plan: Pakistan contributes less than 1% to global GHG emissions yet it is extremely vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change.
All state-owned entities of power sector shall develop / update and publish their respective processes (including but not limited to consents, approvals and expression of interests) involving investor and consumer related matters through digital platform(s). Jun 30th, 2025 Mar 31st, 2024