Researchers and scientists have classified different criteria in selecting the energy storage techniques, the main points to be considered are: 1) the available energy resources, 2) energy requirement and application, 3) energy storage efficiency, 4) energy storage cost, 5) energy storage infrastructure, 6) other factors.
Energy storage is a technology that stores energy for use in power generation, heating, and cooling applications at a later time using various methods and storage mediums. Through the storage of excess energy and subsequent usage when needed, energy storage technologies can assist in maintaining a balance between generation and demand.
Light-assisted energy storage devices thus provide a potential way to utilize sunlight at a large scale that is both affordable and limitless.
SE storage is a very promising approach to preserving energy for long-term and effective consumption. This review paper demonstrated that energy storage can be achieved by utilizing some very basic methods and materials.
A desirable energy storage method for large-scale bulk storage is CAES. The power plant’s generator runs backwards like a motor during charging to inject the reservoir with compressed air. The compressed air is used to run a combustion turbine generator at the plant’s discharge.
Flywheels are the most efficient energy storage systems in terms of quick response time while also being cost-efficient. FES systems have various applications that are used in various sectors, such as railways, marine, hybrid automobiles, and wind power systems.