From a range of devices like Phones to EVS to drones to automobiles, the battery and type also differ and are based on use cases. So let’s understand the depth of these battery types. The first main classification of battery is on two types i.e. primary batteries and secondary batteries. Primary batteries are non-rechargeable disposable batteries.
They are the Nickel – Metal Hydride Battery and the Lithium – Ion Battery. Of these two, the lithium – ion battery came out to be a game changer and became commercially superior with its high specific energy and energy density figures (150 Wh / kg and 400 Wh / L). There are some other types of Secondary Batteries but the four major types are:
There are two more basic types of primary battery: An alkaline battery gets its name due to the presence of an alkaline electrolyte mostly made up of potassium hydroxide (KOH). The image above represents a general diagram of an alkaline battery. The outside coating or the container is made up of steel, which serves as a current collector.
A battery is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy by the means of an electrochemical reaction. Give examples of primary and secondary cells. Examples of primary batteries include dry cells and alkaline batteries while lead acid batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries are examples of secondary batteries.
Batteries can be classified according to their chemistry or specific electrochemical composition, which heavily dictates the reactions that will occur within the cells to convert chemical to electrical energy. Battery chemistry tells the electrode and electrolyte materials to be used for the battery construction.
Lithium-ion batteries are the most used battery nowadays since more than 50% consumer market has adopted the use of this type of battery. Specifically, smartphones and laptops are mostly dependent on lithium-ion batteries now.