We all have that image of solar panels stuck up on a roof, as an addition to an existing roof. However, in new buildings, a lot of people ask themselves, can solar panels be used as a roof so I don’t need to purchase two materials? Solar panels can be used as a roof, but the exact build up will depend on the specific product you choose.
It is possible to create a whole roof out of solar panels using an in-roof system. Making the whole roof out of solar panels can be a fantastic option as installing solar panels is an asset to the home because of the savings in electricity and feed-in tariff payments. Why not consider making it your total roof covering?
‘In roof’ solar panels are very similar to ‘on roof’ panels, the only real differences being that with in roof solar panels, the panels serve a dual purpose, acting both as the roof covering and as generators of electricity. Tiles are not required under an in roof system.
Being part of the roof panels also means no risk of bird infestations, which can cause damage and effect the performance of your entire solar system. While there are many benefits to choosing roof-integrated solar panels, there are also some factors to consider before making a decision.
This will be the case with most in-roof solar PV systems, such as those from GSE Integration. GSE is one of the most commonly used in-roof systems, versatile enough to fit most types of roof and compatible with most of the solar PV panels you can buy in the UK. Costs rise if you need to have tiles removed before the system can be installed.
Panels being fastened to rails on-roof. Panels, therefore, sit on top of the rails and are fixed down using clamps. On-roof solar is probably one of the cheapest forms of installing solar panels. It’s also very flexible, giving plenty of layout options. Installing solar panels on flat roofs is fairly simple to do.