Now that out of the way, it depends upon which type of system of which you want to measure the Short Circuit Current. If it’s a full-blown solar array then stop and don’t even attempt to measure short circuit current. And if it’s a Single Panel you can do it without worry.
When you connect both ends of your panel and create a short circuit connection what ends up happening is the voltage across your solar cells become zero. Short circuit current is actually the largest amount of current that can be drawn out of your panel. So it’s quite important to measure it for safety purposes.
There are generally three main causes, Environmental factors like Solar Panel Orientation, Internal Problems in Solar Panels like blown bypass diode, or Wrong Measuring method. Resolving these issues is fairly simple and can be done yourself or by taking help from experts. Let’s talk about short circuit current.
Semiconductors are affected by temperature. And in high temperatures, the current carrying capacity of the module goes down and problems may occur. 59 Degrees to 95 Degree is a good range for Solar Panel. Why should you measure Solar Panel Short Circuit Current?
Let’s talk about short circuit current. The voltage across your solar cell will always be zero by definition of short circuit. That means your positive cable and the negative cable are connected to each other. Now before we move on to reasons and solutions to low short circuit current you should keep a couple of things in mind.
Short Circuit is not a natural situation and is only done for short circuit analysis. Get rid of the short circuit as soon as you finished your tests. Be careful of Radiation and Temperature. Most solar module can take 1000 W/ radiation. Be sure your weather is compatible. And always avoid high temperatures.