Overall PV installation market growth was 24% in 2019 and expected to keep positive curve in upcoming years. We manufacture extensive variety of custom BIPV solar panels in size, shape, color, transparency and efficiency. All our PV products can be produced with full or cut solar cells as per demand.
Hello! Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) manufacturing for United Kingdom Metsolar produces unlimited variety of tailored BIPV solar panels for United Kingdom, that are efficient, cost competitive and have exclusive design possibilities.
Metsolar manufactures standard glass/ glass, glass/ backsheet BIPV solar panel options with possibility for variations in size, shape, transparency, JB, etc. For seamless integration and blending design. Full black modules are used when complete fusion with an object and invisibility is required.
Roofs and facades truly stand out with modules produced using colored glass by Kromatix™ (solar glass innovated by SwissINSO) or technology by Solaxess, where solar cells are almost invisible. Metsolar is European manufacturer with exclusive manufacturing possibilities.
From idea to successful BIPV project! Solar panels used on walls can be used as solar facade cladding solution that fits both new facades (for integration) and existing facades for renovation of facade, turning it to energy efficient building solution.
Our PV facade modules are lightweight and price competitive, therefore can be chosen as building cladding option to achieve visual appeal and energy efficiency. Mounting / fixating such solar facades are made to fit with solutions already existing in the market, both custom fixtation solutions of your design and choice.