To get an idea about the characteristics of a capacitor, we have to check the family of the capacitor whether it is ceramic, plastic, film or electrolytic. Some capacitors may have same capacitance value, but they differ in working voltages. A capacitor may have lot of characteristics.
A capacitor is one of the basic circuit components in electrical and electronic circuits. Capacitors are used to store energy in the form of an electrostatic field. Capacitors are available in several different types and sizes. Each type of capacitor has its unique characteristics and specifications that impact its performance.
The property of a capacitor to store charge on its plates in the form of an electrostatic field is called the Capacitance of the capacitor. Not only that, but capacitance is also the property of a capacitor which resists the change of voltage across it.
Some capacitors may have same capacitance value, but they differ in working voltages. A capacitor may have lot of characteristics. All these characteristics can be found in datasheets that are provided by capacitor manufacturers. 1.
A practical, real capacitor can be described by using a so-called equivalent circuit, where a resistor (ESR) and an inductor (ESL) are in series with a pure capacitance in parallel and a resistor equal to the insulation resistance of the dielectric. This equivalent circuit is depicted in Figure 8. Figure 8:.
Depending on the type of capacitor, the values of the capacitor vary. For example, electrolytic capacitors have their values printed on their body along with the pins. Disc capacitors have their values represented in terms of PF, uF, KPF, etc. a black band is used to represent the negative terminal of the capacitor.