If the battery is installed outside, it should not be installed in a location where a habitable room is on the other side. If there is no choice, there needs to be a non-combustible material between the battery. The non-combustible material must cover 600mm on either side and 900mm above the battery.
So the bottom line is that the ideal place for a battery system to be installed is in the house, close to the consumer unit. Example locations are a hall cupboard, an understairs cupboard, the utility room and so on. PowerBanx X2 Battery System in a loft (Image: Tanjent) If, however, this option isn’t available then there are two main alternatives:
The non-combustible material must cover 600mm on either side and 900mm above the battery. There are no restrictions if the room on the other is a non-habitable room. Because brick is non-combustible, locations for the battery on the outside is far more flexible.
Because brick is non-combustible, locations for the battery on the outside is far more flexible. If the room on the other end is a habitable room, the battery can’t be placed there if there is a window or door within 600mm to the side or 900mm from the top of the battery.
Find out where the best place to put your solar battery. Also find out where you CAN'T put the battery. Solar batteries can be installed both indoors and outdoors in accordance with AS/NZS 5139:2019. The best location for them is the garage where it is out of direct sunlight.
This gives you the flexibility to install the battery where it is best suited for your application. Here are further details regarding Battery Orientation from our User Manual: Lithium batteries can be placed upright or on their sides. Do not install batteries in a zero-clearance compartment, overheating may result.