If you’re shipping lithium ion batteries contained in or packed with equipment, use a battery label with UN3481. Lithium metal batteries will use labels with one of the following UN numbers: If you’re shipping lithium metal batteries as a standalone (no other items in the package), use a battery label with UN3090.
Depending on the Watt-hour rating for lithium ion cells or batteries or the lithium metal content for lithium mettal cells or batteries, the packaging required may need to be UN specification or may be simply strong, rigid packaging that is strong enough to withstand the shocks, mechanical handling, and loading encountered in transport.
When preparing shipments containing lithium batteries, it is important to ensure the batteries are not in any way defective, damaged, or have the potential to produce a dangerous evolution of heat, fire or short circuit. When packaging lithium batteries for shipment, strong rigid outer packaging must be used.
Lithium batteries fall into two broad classifications; lithium metal batteries and lithium-ion batteries. Lithium metal batteries are generally non-rechargeable and contain metallic lithium. Lithium-ion batteries contain lithium which is only present in an ionic form in the electrolyte and are rechargeable.
Lithium ion batteries will use labels with one of the following UN numbers: If you’re shipping lithium ion batteries as a standalone, use a battery label with UN3480. Standalone means the package only contains batteries and nothing else. If you’re shipping lithium ion batteries contained in or packed with equipment, use a battery label with UN3481.
The Lithium Battery label is required for consignments which have a larger number, or more powerful, batteries. The Lithium Battery label is also specified in the IATA DGR. The label must be in the form of a square set at 45° (diamond shaped). The minimum dimensions must be 100x100 mm.