Or read the full guide below for detailed info. Solar panels could help you save £100s a year on your electricity bills. Using the energy you generate can mean big savings for some households. You can get paid to export electricity you generate but don't use through the smart export guarantee (SEG). An average home could earn up to £320/year.
A typical home solar panel system could save around one tonne of carbon per year, depending on where you live in the UK. That’s the equivalent of driving 3,600 miles, or from London to Bristol 30 times. Export the electricity you can’t use yourself and get paid for it. The Smart Export Guarantee lets you sell extra electricity to the grid.
Once you've invested in solar panels, make the most of them by using as much of the free renewable electricity they generate as possible. Compare the price you pay for electricity from your energy supplier with the amount you are paid for exporting your excess solar electricity to the grid. This shows you how much you could save on your bills.
Installing solar panels lets you use free, renewable, clean electricity to power your appliances. You can sell extra electricity to the grid or store it for later use. There are over 1.3 million installations on homes across the UK – see where the UK solar panel hotspots are.
The price you're paid for each unit of energy you export to the grid is usually much lower than the price you pay your supplier for electricity. So, economically, it makes more sense to store the solar energy and use it yourself. The battery isn't all about what you generate yourself, either.
5 Great tips to help you get more from your Solar PV system. Match supply with demand, monitor, add ons and battery storage. Find out what suits your system