Curvature of the edges (the edges should be completely straight) The first battery separators utilized wood fibers. However, these fibers quickly deteriorated within the electrolyte. Separators were later manufactured from glass fiber mat, polyurethane and rubber.
The glass fiber fabric mats can be directly used for battery separator applications without further treatments. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TG) was carried out on Netzsch STA 409 PC TG/DTA equipment with flowing air and argon mixture gas atmosphere from room temperature to 800 °C.
In conclusion, the high flexibility, proper porous structure, and high stability of glass fiber fabrics make it possible to improve the safety performance of lithium-ion battery as separators.
EnergyGuard® is a world-leading reinforced battery separator for VRLA AGM batteries. This high-strength synthetic-composite separator is a unique blend of glass microfiber and synthetic fiber. EnergyGuard exhibits unparalleled tensile and burst strength, as well as the full functionality of a traditional glass separator.
The property data of glass fiber battery separator meet all the specifications the specifications detailed in JB/T 7630.1-2008, a mechanic industry standard of the People's Republic of China. High mechanical strength and vibration resistance
All commercial batteries use separators, though different types of battery systems require different types of separators. The primary battery technology segments for battery separators include lithium ion and lead acid.