If you’re a corporate energy buyer ready to embark on your journey to direct renewable procurement, getting to grips with the complexities of PPA negotiation will take time. In this eBook, we outline a step-by-step process for achieving your emission reduction targets through renewable energy.
It’s generation . . . it’s transmission . . . it’s energy storage! The renewable energy industry continues to view energy storage as the superhero that will save it from its greatest problem—intermittent energy production and the resulting grid reliability issues that such intermittent generation engenders.
For standalone energy storage contracts, these are typically structured with a fixed monthly capacity payment plus some variable cost per megawatt hour (MWh) of throughput. For a combined renewables-plus-storage project, it may be structured with an energy-only price in lieu of a fixed monthly capacity payment.
We discuss how you can navigate battery energy storage systems challenges with insights on procurement, risk mitigation, and project optimisation for successful delivery. Optimise market engagement and procurement efficiency by tendering based on a combination of OEM and owner/financier terms.
Key Finance-ability Provisions: Energy storage resources may also be financed on a nonrecourse basis and, like any other project financed in such manner, will need to address issues upon which nonrecourse lenders will focus, including assignment, events of default, performance requirements, key dates, and collateral.
Like transmission, energy storage can help to manage supply and demand over broad areas of the electric system because it can provide both generation and load by converting excess electric power into another medium to be stored for later use.