Without compensation, the energy supplier would have to provide this additional reactive power, which would lead to increased grid losses and lower efficiency. By using capacitors for compensation, the company can generate its own reactive power and thus reduce the load on the grid.
By using capacitors for compensation, the company can generate its own reactive power and thus reduce the load on the grid. Reactive power compensation offers a variety of benefits, including improving energy efficiency, reducing energy costs and increasing grid stability.
Reactive power compensation offers a variety of benefits, including improving energy efficiency, reducing energy costs and increasing grid stability. In many countries, certain regulations on reactive power compensation are mandatory to ensure the quality and stability of the electricity grid.
Cables and transmission lines: When transmitting electrical energy over long distances, capacitive reactive power is generated in the cables. Choked reactive power compensators can improve the power quality and increase transmission efficiency. Three-phase motors:
Official definition: According to VDE standard 0100-710, reactive power refers to the electrical power that flows back and forth between the phase conductors and the neutral conductor of a three-phase network but is not capable of performing mechanical work. It is measured in volt-ampere-reactive (VAR).
In a power triangle, which visually represents the relationships between active power, apparent power and reactive power, the active power corresponds to the horizontal side of the triangle, the apparent power is the hypotenuse of the triangle, and the reactive power is the vertical side of the triangle.