The transistor conducts when the current surpasses a certain quantity, reducing load voltage and current. A current-limiting IC circuit uses various techniques to sense the amount of current flowing through the load and then adjust the voltage across the load to limit the current.
Current Limiting Transistors: Placing current-limiting transistors in series with the load is a way to help control the amount of current that flows through a circuit. It limits the current by controlling the voltage across the load.
Motor Control: Current limiting circuits are used in motor control applications to prevent damage to the motor and driver circuit caused by overcurrent conditions that can arise due to stall or other operating conditions. This ensures the safe and reliable operation of the system while protecting its components.
Current Rating: When designing a current limiting circuit, it's important to consider both the load's current rating and the maximum allowable current. The circuit must be designed in a way that ensures the current is limited to a safe level without harming the load or any components of the circuit.
Power Supplies: Power supply circuits often use current limiting circuits to safeguard their components from overcurrent situations. This means that in case of a circuit fault or a short load, the current limiting circuit will prevent any excess current from passing through the system and causing damage.
Current limiting circuits typically reduce system efficiency to some extent because they create a voltage drop to limit current, leading to energy loss (dissipated as heat). Opting for more efficient current limiting techniques, like using transistors instead of simple resistors, can help minimize energy loss.