We adopt a cooperative game approach to incorporate storage sharing into the design phase of energy systems. To ensure a fair distribution of cooperative benefits, we introduce a benefit allocation mechanism based on contributions to energy storage sharing.
Shared storage service is an effective approach toward a grid with high penetration of renewable energy. The application prospects of shared energy storage services have gained widespread recognition due to the increasing use of renewable energy sources.
By integrating shared storage into these projects, system operators can better manage their energy resources, improve grid stability, and support the transition to renewable energy sources. This model fosters participants cooperation and investment, leading to more sustainable and resilient energy systems. 6. Conclusions
To ensure a fair distribution of cooperative benefits, we introduce a benefit allocation mechanism based on contributions to energy storage sharing. Utilizing realistic data from three buildings, our simulations demonstrate that the shared storage mechanism creates a win–win situation for all participants.
By incorporating the concept of the sharing economy into energy storage systems, SES has emerged as a new business model . Typically, large-scale SES stations with capacities of more than 100 MW are strategically located near renewable energy collection stations and are funded by one or more investors .
Furthermore, a Stackelberg game-theoretic approach embedded in the shared storage planning model has been proposed, considering storage sharing among energy prosumers at the design phase, with the storage investor as the leader and energy prosumers as followers .