As a tier 1 solar panel manufacturer in China, Jinko Solar enjoys a global presence and caters to various market demands. The company’s dedication to sustainability and quality products positions it as a top choice for solar panel solutions. Trina Solar, based in Jiangsu Province, is a global leader in the solar industry.
Suntech Power, based in Jiangsu Province, is one of the top solar panel manufacturers in China. Founded in 2001, Suntech has been at the forefront of the solar industry for two decades. Its product range includes an array of photovoltaic panels, with a special focus on reliability and efficiency.
What sets China apart is its comprehensive oversight spanning every facet of solar panel manufacturing. The integrated control over every stage, from raw materials like polysilicon to the final panel product, has given solar companies in China a strategic advantage, enhancing their global competitiveness.
China is the global powerhouse in solar panel manufacturing, driving the industry with unparalleled production capabilities and cutting-edge technological advancements. As the world’s leading producer, China commands over 95% of the global market for key components such as polysilicon, ingots, and wafers, essential for solar panel production.
And then there's Canadian Solar, a name that hints at Canadian origins but plays a pivotal role in Chinese solar advancement. Dr. Shawn Qu laid its foundation in 2001, and since then, the company has experienced rapid growth, solidifying its place among the global top five solar panel manufacturers.
The injection of capital has played a decisive role in catapulting China to the forefront of the solar industry. The Chinese government has poured more than USD 50 billion into new solar supply capacity – a figure ten times higher than that of Europe since 2011.