Select your timezone and enter your coordinates (latitude and longitude) to calculate the optimal tilt angle for fixed solar panels, twice adjusted solar panels, quarterly (seasonally) adjusted solar panels, and monthly adjusted solar panels. You can find your coordinates from Google Search.
Simply enter your address and it will provide the optimal angles for each season, as well as a year-round average angle for your specific location. An example of the calculator results. Discover the best angle for your solar panels with our Solar Panel Tilt Angle Calculator. Maximize energy efficiency and save money!
Our solar panel tilt calculator is based on a Stanford research paper. The researchers behind it analyzed optimal solar tilt angles for all countries worldwide using PVWatts. Then, they produced two formulas to calculate the optimal fixed-tilt PV angle for any given location based on latitude.
That's why we created a solar panel angle calculator to help you determine the ideal angle for every season and month. Granted, not all panels are mounted in a way that allows them to be adjusted on a monthly (or even seasonal) basis, so we also provide the best angle to keep your panels year-round if you won't be adjusting them.
The orientation is composed of two parameters: direction and tilt angle. Select your timezone and enter your coordinates (latitude and longitude) to calculate the optimal orientation for fixed solar panels, twice adjusted solar panels, quarterly (seasonally) adjusted solar panels, and monthly adjusted solar panels.
When solar panels are completely flat, the angle is 0°, whereas the angle is 90° when panels are perfectly vertical, perpendicular to the ground. The title angle is the angle between solar panels and the ground. Calculating the inclination (or tilt) angle of solar panels is a vital aspect of photovoltaic design.