This article overviews the main principles of storage of solar energy for its subsequent long-term consumption. The methods are separated into two groups: the thermal and photonic methods of energy conversion. The compari- cal and electrochemical reactions is given. arly along with the growt h of gross domestic produc t (GDP). about 2.0%.
DESIGN & SIZING PRINCIPLES Appropriate system design and component sizing is fundamental requirement for reliable operation, better performance, safety and longevity of solar PV system. The sizing principles for grid connected and stand-alone PV systems are based on different design and functional requirements.
Industry is one of the leading energy consumers with a global share of 37%. Fossil fuels are used to meet more then 80% of this demand. The sun’s heat can be exploited in most industrial processes to replace fossil fuels. Integration of a thermal energy storage system is a requisite for sustainability in solar heat for industries.
On process level integration, solar energy can be integrated in industrial processes in different ways. As shown in Fig. 26, solar energy can be directly integrated to low temperature industrial processes without additional energy source. In this case, storage will be an important component to ensure that heat is available throughout the day.
Solar heat industrial process, (a) without storage, (b) with storage (UNEP, 2010). TES systems have been used in industrial processes since 19th century (IEA, 2018d). TES store the solar energy for continuous and effective use of solar energy in industrial applications.
The 6-hour course covers fundamental principles behind working of a solar PV system, use of different components in a system, methodology of sizing these components and how these can be applied to building integrated systems. It includes detailed technical information and step-by-step methodology for design and sizing of off-grid solar PV systems.