Quality management for complex process chains Due to the complexity of the production chain for lithium- ion battery production, classical tools of quality management in production, such as statistical process control (SPC), process capability indices and design of experiments (DoE) soon reach their limits of applicability .
It has been shown that current quality management tools easily face their limits when applied to the production chain of lithium-ion cells due to its complexity and the need for real time processing of collected data.
4.1. Method for quality man agement in battery production quality management during production. This procedure can be format and process structure. Hence, by detecting deviations in control and feedback are facilitated. properties. Among the external requirements are quality performance or lifetime of th e battery cells . Internal
Quality gates in battery production equipment are identified. Depending on process layout, x 100% inspection or randomly chosen samples. assurance is to be preferred where possible. As suggested in illustrated in Fig. 1. production chain has to be carefully evaluated. Some universal . In particular, these are interrelations of processes, added
A detailed product model for lithium-ion cells was presented by . Most common formats cover cylindrical cells, prismatic hard case cells and pouch cells. The production of lithium-ion cells has a big impact on cost and quality of the batteries [3,17].
d-acid type used in car batteries. This makes lithium-ion cells more durable. One important property of the electrodes of the lithium-ion battery cells is that they are more similar to a omposition of millions of small particles rather than some-thing homogeneous. This enables reactions over a larger surface area whi