The capacity of the battery bank can be calculated by multiplying the daily load on battery by the autonomy day or the number of days it should provide power continuously. The ampere-hour (Ah) rating of the battery bank can be found after dividing the battery bank capacity by the battery bank voltage (e.g. 24V or 48V).
The obtained result reveals that, for this analyzed period, the capacity of the energy storage needed to be fully autonomous should be around 19.9 kWh. This size corresponds with the one obtained in Section 4.2.1 and the real size of the BESS installed in the building. Fig. 8. Behavior of the system based on current strategy. Fig. 9.
It was found that to support daily load of 15.7kWh/day in grid connected PV system minimum 665.90Ah of storage, in grid connected wind turbine minimum 582.356Ah of storage and in hybrid system minimum 543.62Ah of storage required at 24V DC system voltage. Model was developed for feasibility analysis of storage with RE.
MATLAB environment was used for the implementation of the methodology and the simulation of hybrid systems based on validated battery energy storage system (BESS) model. The sizing methodology was applied for the determination of the BESS capacity which can ensure the following:
The output of the energy sources can be estimated accurately based on validated models presented in the literature , , . The following scenarios related to hybrid systems composed of different energy sources were considered: Scenario 1: A hybrid system composed of PV, EES and load.
The developed algorithm for sizing the electrical energy storage (EES) system falls under the framework of smart multi-energy systems and microgrid projects aiming for the implementation of autonomous and semi-autonomous hybrid energy systems at buildings and district levels.