Intelligent Charging Limited boasts an extensive history of producing state-of-the-art, electronically controlled battery chargers and capacity testers for military uses, commercial airlines and aviation service companies. Used by the British Royal Navy & Air Force and many airlines, recommended by leading aircraft and battery manufacturers.
Smart battery chargers and subsequent battery trickle chargers are great ways of ensuring your vehicle’s battery and electronics are well-conditioned if you leave it for long periods of time. The CTEK MXS 5.0 is simply everything you'd want from a battery charger. It's well-made, fully automatic, and works in all weather conditions.
The Intelligent Charging range of automatic battery charger/analysers have a proven track record world-wide. They are vital maintenance equipment for any battery-critical applications. Real Support.
To maintain the health and charge of your car’s battery, you should consider one of the best smart battery chargers available. These are the cream of the crop in the world of car battery care. But they can do other things too. Understandably, you may be wondering what the need or, indeed, the point of a smart battery charger is.
Smart chargers have a multi-stage cycle when charging car batteries. This begins with something called desulphation – restoring battery capacity by removing sulphate from the battery’s lead plates. The smart charger will then test the battery to see if it is able to accept a charge.
Granted, there is a price premium compared to a bog-standard unit, but it’s true that these chargers offer so much more and can even help you save cash in the long run. Ultimately, the smartest battery chargers are packed with the most modes and features.