This may include improved voltage profiles, improved power factor, enhanced stability performance, and improved transmission capacity. The reactive devices are connected either in series or in parallel (shunt). Series capacitors are utilized to neutralize part of the inductive reactance of a power network.
Capacitors’ placement at optimal locations in the distribution network and their sizing can reduce losses. This also increases feeders’ ampacity and improves the voltage profile, which leads to reduced network investments [4, 5]. The extent of benefits depends on the location, size, and type of the capacitors.
Capacitor Banks and its effects on the power system with high harmonic loads. In order to utilize the electrical system effectively, industries are installing capacitor bank in their power circuit. The use of power electronic devices has increased in recent years which resulted in an increase of harmonics in the power system.
The fundamental function of capacitors, whether they are series or shunt, installed as a single unit or as a bank, is to regulate the voltage and reactive power flows at the point where they are installed.
To decrease the voltage drop considerably between the sending and receiving ends by the application of a series capacitor, the load current must have a lagging power factor. As an example, Figure 3a shows a voltage phasor diagram with a leading-load power factor without having series capacitors in the line.
The capacitor model adopted in the LF is not ideal: to take into account the internal losses, an active power for the capacitor bank is considered equal to 0.5% of the reactive power. All nodes are eligible for capacitor placement ( ). Table 5. Capacitor bank unit data adopted in the case study.