The process for installing battery-powered LED strip lights involves choosing the appropriate gauge wire for the LED lights, connecting the wire to the LED strip lights, and then connecting the other end of the wire to the battery.
Learn more... Lighting an LED light bulb up with a battery is a fun experiment you can do to learn about electrical circuits and direct current (DC) electricity. It’s not a practical way to power an actual light source, as regular batteries do not supply enough voltage to power a strong enough light bulb.
Before you start wiring your LED lights to a 12V battery, you need to set up the lights themselves. This involves measuring the length of the LED strip you want to use and cutting it to size. Make sure you only cut the strip at the designated cutting points, which are usually marked with scissors icons.
If you follow those steps using a regular LED, remember they are polarized. Always connect the longest leg to the positive terminal of the battery and the shortest leg to the negative terminal. Else the LED won't light or could be damaged. Do not use a battery with a voltage over 3V, else your LED might explode.
Place 1 end of a copper electrical wire against the second terminal of the battery and tape it in place with electrical tape. Put the other end against the side of the bulb’s base to light up the LED light and tape it in place if you want to keep the bulb lit.
To light up an LED you need at the very minimum the LED itself and a power supply. From what I have read from other LED instructables wiring in a resistor is almost always a good idea. LEDs - I basically just reached into the drawer at Radioshack and pulled out anything that wasn't more than $1 or $2 per LED. I got: