When discussing the relevant charging characteristics of lithium-ion batteries, factors such as temperature rise during charging, charging efficiency, charging time, and cycle life are commonly considered assessment indicators.
The optimization toolbox in MATLAB was employed to simulate and optimize the charging current of the Li-ion battery. Subsequently, the Optimal Current Profile (OCP) was identified. According to Ref. , for level I charging, CC-CV is nearly the optimal charging method for minimizing power loss when the temperature is assumed to be constant.
Since the charging method can impact the performance and cycle life of lithium-ion batteries, the development of high-quality charging strategies is essential. Efficient charging strategies need to possess advantages such as high charging efficiency, low battery temperature rise, short charging times, and an extended battery lifespan.
If one is aiming for a similar charging capacity to the standard CC-CV charging method while emphasizing charging speed, CP-CV can be chosen as the charging algorithm for lithium-ion batteries. For applications that emphasize temperature rise and charging efficiency, CL-CV can be chosen as the charging algorithm for lithium-ion batteries.
This study presents five charging methods for lithium-ion batteries, including Type I CC-CV, Type II CC-CV, Type III CC-CV, CL-CV, and CP-CV. Type I CC-CV represents the standard CC-CV charging method, serving as the baseline for comparison.
One must ensure that lithium-ion batteries are charged using the manufacturer-recommended voltage and current settings to optimize their lifespan and performance. Adherence to specified parameters is pivotal for maintaining the integrity of the rechargeable battery.