Sampling for testing of PV modules comprises the procedures involved to select a part of PV modules from the entire solar PV plant for inspection and it should adhere to standard sampling methods IS2500/ISO-2859 and field testing norms as per IEC 61215/61646 standards.
e essential information which can be used efectively to troubleshoot any problems arising within the system. Sampling for testing of PV modules comprises the procedures involved to select a part of PV modules from the entire solar PV plant for inspection and it should a
Quality tests of PV modules, e.g. the damp-heat test of IEC 61215 or IEC 61646 [IEC61215, IEC61646], often show corrosion at the cell connectors, soldering joints, and other metallic parts. The installation of PV modules on farm rooftops in an agricultural environment leads to extra environmental stress.
The report mainly focuses on wafer-based PV modules. Thin-film PV modules are also covered, but due to the small market share of these types of PV modules reliable data is often missing. The author team also focuses on types of PV module failures which are not specific for one special manufacturer and have a broader relevance.
TEST INSTRUMENTS & DATA ACQUISITION New IEC 61215 standards require application of peak power current during thermal cycling when the module temperature is above 25°C. One way to accomplish this power performance testing is with a power supply programmed to provide current and voltage levels to the PV products under test.
TÜV Rheinland employs a test procedure according to IEC 62716 [IEC62716] “Ammonia corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules”, which is based on the Kesternich test. Table 7.4.1 shows the test parameters of the Ammonia corrosion test procedure.