The existing communication technologies, protocols and current practice for solar PV integration are also introduced in the report. The survey results show that deployment of communication and control systems for distributed PV systems is increasing.
A solar Telecom power system is durable, reliable and convenient; just install it wherever you need power with solar and reduce diesel for telecom. There’s no need to worry about grid access, fuel deliveries or generator maintenance.
In the report, the communication and control system architecture models to enable distributed solar PV to be integrated into the future smart grid environment were reviewed. The existing communication technologies, protocols and current practice for solar PV integration are also introduced in the report.
The fiber network starts with a hub location, which in the case of a solar PV plant is typically the substation. It is located near the point of interconnection of the farm, where the master SCADA system equipment also resides. The fiber network is terminated into a patch panel within the master SCADA enclosure.
A solar PV array, battery, and charge controller are the three primary components of the PV system. The solar array generates DC power for the load and charges the battery, which serves as the energy storage device that powers the load when there is no output from the array.
The communications system, which is how the MTU and RTU, as well as all the different devices throughout the plant, connect and communicate with each other. This includes all of the networking hardware. What is a SCADA network? A SCADA network is a wired or wireless network that connects all of the devices on the solar site.