GEL battery technology is being introduced into production. AKOM is the main supplier of the battery to the Russian market - more than 50% of all supplies, and 70% of all exports of the industry from Russia. The dealer network consists of 100 partners in all regions of Russia, 36 more - in the CIS countries, South-East Asia and Western Europe.
ТМ АКОМ, REACTOR, BRAVO, ULTIMATUM, АКОМ+EFB (more than 200 kinds). It is a member of the Akom Group of Companies together with Tesvolt Rus, a manufacturer of lithium-ion storage devices, and offers the market the full range of solutions from licensed assembly of lithium-ion storage devices to complex solutions in the distributed power industry.
Products of JSC Lithium-Element in its technical indicators are as good as world leaders in this area. Since 2020 the Company has been included into the Ltd RT-Kapital (State corporation Rostec).