This is the first in a two-part series exploring the selection of valves in solar power applications. The first part will focus on how specially tailored control valves can overcome the challenges inherent in solar power production. Solar energy is a viable alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power.
The first part will focus on how specially tailored control valves can overcome the challenges inherent in solar power production. Solar energy is a viable alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power. It’s safe, climate-friendly and plentiful, especially in the Earth’s sun belt.
An important factor when considering solar power for valve actuation applications is the potential for leaks. If the equipment is not properly designed for the environment, operating conditions, and pressure and temperature cycling, hydraulic systems can leak. In addition, the fluid itself needs attention.
The hydraulic pressure is used to hold the valve open and compress a powerful, self-contained spring. If valve closure is required, hydraulic pressure is released and the spring quickly closes the valve, preventing further loss of product. These are just two examples of the hundreds of viable applications for solar-powered valve actuators.
In this application, a solar-powered spring return rotary actuator permits remote shutoff of a critical products pipeline if damage occurs from barge traffic or heavy rains. Solar electrical energy is used to generate hydraulic pressure. The hydraulic pressure is used to hold the valve open and compress a powerful, self-contained spring.
In the early days, solar power was used in noncritical applications that required low power consumption, primarily to supply monitoring of valve-related and process data at remote locations. As solar power technology evolved, applications expanded along with the sophistication of the technology.
The working principle of the solar electric regulating valve can be divided into two aspects: photoelectric conversion and signal control. Optical conversion refers to the transformation of optical energy into electrical energy through solar panels …