One of the main problems is with the conductors of solar panels that are mounted on frames. If the conductors are broken, not up to standard values, or installed in the wrong way it may cause problems with electrical flow. This will in turn cause the circuit breaker to trip.
A fuse or breaker would protect the solar components within the solar circuit. Prevent a Fire – If the wiring, solar controller, or solar batteries get too hot, they can combust and start a fire. A fuse or breaker prevents energy from producing too much heat and shuts down the circuit.
A circuit breaker is an easy fix. Once a circuit breaker trips, you turn it back on by flicking the switch. As you flick the switch, the circuit is restored, and power continues to flow.
Prevent a Fire – If the wiring, solar controller, or solar batteries get too hot, they can combust and start a fire. A fuse or breaker prevents energy from producing too much heat and shuts down the circuit. If you are concerned about fire safety, installing a fuse or breaker can be reassuring.
Now you have to go and check the circuit breaker in the solar power system. Take a look at the service panel. The breakers should be all lined up in a row in the ‘ON’ position. If not your circuit breaker is tripping and causing the solar panel to trip. Also, remember to check if the inverter is working properly.
Step 1: First of all turn the circuit off. Step 2: Now disconnect any devices connected to the Solar Powered System. You can do this by unplugging them. Step 3: Now go to your circuit breaker box. Step 4: Then switch off the circuit breakers. Step 5: Another thing you can do instead is to remove the fuse for the circuit you want to disconnect.