You can check if your smart meter should work in smart mode with Citizens Advice's tool. If your smart meter isn't sending readings, it will usually still be recording your gas and electricity use. So you can submit readings manually to make sure your bills are accurate until your meter is smart again.
You can't measure it by sticking an ohm-meter on a battery, but you can infer it by measuring the battery voltage while it's under a load. You need a load appropriate for the battery voltage and current capability, so you might use an automotive incandescent bulb for a small 12V lead-acid battery, or an LED for a coin cell.
EDF Energy customer Contact your energy provider if your smart meter still isn't connecting properly and ask it to investigate. Energy firms are required to keep their customers' smart meters working in smart mode, the government Department for Energy, Security and Net Zero told us.
Standard electricity meters typically have a series of mechanical dials or a digital display showing numbers. To read the meter, note down the numbers displayed on each dial from left to right, taking care to read them accurately. If the pointer is between two numbers, record the lower number.
If you know how many amps are consumed and for how long, you have a measurement of Ah (amps x hours). This is the same unit of measurement as is used to specify the energy storage capacity of batteries so it allows you to estimate how long your battery will last.
Smart meter monitors will often only show how much energy you’re buying from your supplier, and not necessarily energy you generate as well, Smart Energy GB told us. Solar panel owners already have a PV-generation meter that tells them how much electricity their system is generating.