Note: You can more easily measure PV current by using a clamp meter, which I discuss below in method #2. That’s right — you can use a multimeter to measure how much current your solar panel is outputting. However, to do so your solar panel needs to be connected to your solar system.
To accurately test a solar panel, set the multimeter to measure DC voltage and make sure proper lead connections to the positive and negative wires. When setting up your multimeter for testing solar panels, keep in mind the following basics: Select DC Voltage Mode: Set the multimeter to measure DC voltage to assess the output accurately.
How to Measure Solar Panel Output with a DC Power Meter This is a DC power meter (aka watt meter): You can find them for cheap on Amazon. Connect one inline between your solar panel and charge controller and it’ll measure voltage, current, wattage, and more. Here’s how to use one. 1. Crimp the MC4 connectors on, if needed.
You need a multimeter that can measure both volts and amps. 1. Locate the open circuit voltage (Voc) on the specs label on the back of your solar panel. Remember this number for later. For this method I’m using the Newpowa 100W 12V panel. It has a Voc of 19.83V. 2. Prep your multimeter to measure DC volts.
Use a digital multimeter to test the solar panel. Test the solar panel with the solar charge controller. Use a watt meter to measure the solar panel output. Get more details from my below article. Before getting into the how-to guide, you should know a few things. First, you should know why is solar panel testing so important.
One of the cables from the solar panel should be inserted into the clamp meter’s opening. Check the meter’s current reading before closing the jaws. If the clamp meter is pointed in the opposite way and you still receive a negative current reading, try clamping the other wire.