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''can'' and ''could''

We use can to give permission: You can go home now. You can borrow my pen if you like. We use can to say that someone has permission to do something: We can go out whenever we want. Students can travel for free. We use can''t to …

El verbo "can" en inglés | inglés

El uso de can como verbo principal. Además de los usos ya explicados, can se puede usar como un verbo transitivo que se traduce en español como enlatar. Como puedes imaginar, este …


Definition of can 1 modal verb from the Oxford Advanced Learner''s Dictionary. used to say that it is possible for somebody/something to do something, or for something to happen. I can run …

CAN definition in American English | Collins English Dictionary

language note: Can is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. The form cannot is used in negative statements. The usual spoken form of cannot is can''t, pronounced (k æ nt).


Can can be used for ability, permission and possibility. Now, you can use can, too. See you next time! . "can" . 1 We can use can to talk about ability. "can" ""。 I can play the guitar. I can speak …

Can Definition & Meaning

The meaning of CAN is be physically or mentally able to. How to use can in a sentence. Can vs. May: Usage Guide

Qualif. CAN 2025

Qualif. CAN 2025 - Tous les groupes : retrouvez le calendrier et les résultats de la compétition sur L''Équipe.

レディースファッションのCAN ONLINE SHOP

ファッションサイトのCAN ONLINE SHOPは、レディースファッション、メンズからキッズまでくりえたファッションサイトです。キャンオンラインショップでは、 …

CAN | English meaning

Can is usually used in standard spoken English when asking for permission. It is acceptable in most forms of written English, although in very formal writing, such as official instructions, may …

can, could, be able to

Use of can can for possibility and ability. We use can to talk about what is possible, what we are able or free to do: She can drive a car. John can speak Spanish. I cannot hear you. (I can''t …

Meaning of can – Learner''s Dictionary

CAN definition: 1. to be able to do something: 2. to be allowed to do something: 3. used to ask someone to do or…. Learn more.


You use can when you are mentioning a quality or fact about something which people may make use of if they want to. 2. You use can to indicate that someone has the ability or opportunity to do something.


5 · A can is a metal container, usually cylindrical in shape, which has an airtight seal when it''s new. All kinds of goods come in cans, from fruit and vegetables to paint and oil. The verb …


can: can: can,can,can。1.can125k~~1mbps 。can125kbps,can …

Can Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

CAN meaning: 1 : to be able to (do something) to know how to (do something) to have the power or skill to (do something) to be designed to (do something) sometimes used without a following …


Define can. can synonyms, can pronunciation, can translation, English dictionary definition of can. to be able to, have the power or skill to: I can take a bus to the airport. She can paint very well.


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CAN definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

USAGE can 1 and may 1 are frequently but not always interchangeable in senses indicating possibility: A power failure can (or may) occur at any time. Despite the insistence by some, …

Meaning of can in Essential English Dictionary

CAN definition: 1. to be able to do something: 2. used to request something: 3. used in polite offers of help: . Learn more.


Can is used to say that somebody knows how to do something: Can you play the piano? It is also used with verbs of seeing, noticing, etc: I can hear someone calling. Can is also used with …

CAN | English meaning



can (third-person singular simple present can, present participle (by suppletion) able, simple past could, past participle (obsolete except in adjectival use) couth) (auxiliary …


All present tense forms: can, past: could. have the ability to: She can solve the problem easily. to know how to: I can play chess, but not very well. to have the right or qualifications to: He can …

can, could, be able to

can for requests and orders. We often use can in a question to ask somebody to do something. This is not a real question - we do not really want to know if the person is able to do …


Can - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

Centralförbundet för alkohol

CAN är ett nationellt kompetenscentrum med undersökningar, forskning och kunskapshöjande insatser om alkohol, narkotika, dopning, tobak och spel (ANDTS).


Grammar Point can / could / be able to / manage can / could / be able to / manage. Can is used to say that somebody knows how to do something:. Can you play the piano? It is also used with …


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