These policies are mostly concentrated around battery storage system, which is considered to be the fastest growing energy storage technology due to its efficiency, flexibility and rapidly decreasing cost. ESS policies are primarily found in regions with highly developed economies, that have advanced knowledge and expertise in the sector.
Impact of energy storage system policy ESS policies are the reason storage technologies are developing and being utilised at a very high rate. Storage technologies are now moving in parallel with renewable energy technology in terms of development as they support each other.
For high-price scenarios, storage PPAs can generate 180 MEUR/year in 2030 in Europe We propose a contractual setup, the proxy storage power purchase agreement (PPA), to foster the deployment of energy storage technologies. We define a threshold price below which the PPA becomes financially attractive for PPA buyers.
A national electricity market is attractive for proxy storage PPAs, if threshold prices are high and if the country offers a regulatory situation that fosters energy storage. We use the installed and announced energy storage capacities as a proxy for the markets attractiveness toward energy storage.
In order to use storage to fill the deficits in years 29 to 31, it would be necessary to store energy for decades. Studies of shorter periods seriously underestimate the need for storage. Contingency is included in the modelling to allow for variations not seen in this period.
We propose a contractual setup, the proxy storage power purchase agreement (PPA), to foster the deployment of energy storage technologies. We define a threshold price below which the PPA becomes financially attractive for PPA buyers. We compute the threshold price for several storage technologies and configurations, in seven European countries.