The first photovoltaic (PV) solar array to connect directly to the electricity transmission network in the UK was energised this week as National Grid connected Enso Energy (Enso) and Cero Generation (Cero)’s new 50MW Larks Green solar farm to its Iron Acton substation near Bristol.
New electric transmission facilities might be required for some new solar energy power plants. Electric power transmission is the process by which large amounts of electricity produced at power plants, such as industrial-scale solar facilities, is transported over long distances for eventual use by consumers.
Abstract—Rapid growth of distributed energy resources has prompted increasing interest in integrated Transmission (T) and Distribution (D) modeling. This paper presents the results of a distributed generation from solar photovoltaics (DGPV) impact assessment study that was performed using a synthetic T&D model.
A breakthrough transmission-connected solar project marks a new stage for UK renewables development. But for the sector to truly thrive, understanding the complexities and challenges of grid integration and compliance will be essential.
Secondly, as distribution networks are becoming steadily more saturated with solar capacity, projects are looking to be connected directly to the high-voltage transmission system so that the power can be more easily exported to more distant load centres.
The transmission grid-connected solar project is, in fact, already a reality. The UK’s first transmission grid-connected solar farm has begun commercial operations, marking a new era of renewable energy development and establishing this as an emerging trend.