To ensure that production in Germany can provide new battery technologies more efficiently, more cheaply, and in the highest quality in the future, the federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia are funding the establishment of a research factory for battery production with a total of up to 680 million euros.
Prof. Dr. Birger Horstmann Theory of Electrochemical Materials The research group models batteries as part of Prof. Latz's department at DLR. Various methods such as quantum simulation, machine learning and theoretical thermodynamics enable a deeper understanding of everything from individual atoms to the entire battery cell.
At the Technical University of Munich, an interdisciplinary network is researching battery systems along their entire value chain. Why battery research? Electrical energy storage and battery systems have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives.
The Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB is certificated according to ISO 9001. We are establishing a research infrastructure for ecological and economical battery cell production in Europe.
Internationally, we are one of the main drivers of top-level research in the fields of battery materials, cells and electrochemistry. The aim which our research facility has is to develop sustainable, high-performance batteries for the future and to make a decisive contribution to advancing battery cell production in Europe.
In the Battery Update, researchers from Fraunhofer ISI discuss current debates and issues related to battery research, production and development. Along the entire battery value chain, i.e. from raw materials, components, the battery cell, battery markets and recycling, relevant topics are adressed and critically discussed.