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How can Germany improve battery production?

To ensure that production in Germany can provide new battery technologies more efficiently, more cheaply, and in the highest quality in the future, the federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia are funding the establishment of a research factory for battery production with a total of up to 680 million euros.

What is a battery research group?

Prof. Dr. Birger Horstmann Theory of Electrochemical Materials The research group models batteries as part of Prof. Latz's department at DLR. Various methods such as quantum simulation, machine learning and theoretical thermodynamics enable a deeper understanding of everything from individual atoms to the entire battery cell.

What is interdisciplinary battery research?

At the Technical University of Munich, an interdisciplinary network is researching battery systems along their entire value chain. Why battery research? Electrical energy storage and battery systems have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives.

Who is the Fraunhofer Research Institution for battery cell production FFB?

The Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB is certificated according to ISO 9001. We are establishing a research infrastructure for ecological and economical battery cell production in Europe.

Why should you invest in a battery research facility?

Internationally, we are one of the main drivers of top-level research in the fields of battery materials, cells and electrochemistry. The aim which our research facility has is to develop sustainable, high-performance batteries for the future and to make a decisive contribution to advancing battery cell production in Europe.

What is the battery update?

In the Battery Update, researchers from Fraunhofer ISI discuss current debates and issues related to battery research, production and development. Along the entire battery value chain, i.e. from raw materials, components, the battery cell, battery markets and recycling, relevant topics are adressed and critically discussed.

Battery research at Fraunhofer ISI

The report presents current challenges and compares the R&D offer of the Fraunhofer Research Fabrication Battery Cell FFB. (available in German only) Battery storage in power grids - Final …

About us

The focal points of our work gather in all areas around battery (production): from battery technology and certification of new battery types to process optimization in production, application, battery recycling, and further education opportunities.

Battery research at Fraunhofer ISI

Fraunhofer ISI''s research questions in the field of batteries range from the evaluation of research and development of new battery technologies in the laboratory to suitable funding strategies, technology commercialisation, …

Battery research at Fraunhofer ISI

Fraunhofer ISI''s research questions in the field of batteries range from the evaluation of research and development of new battery technologies in the laboratory to suitable funding strategies, …


Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology (MEET) at the University of Münster is one of the …

TUM.Battery Battery research at the TUM

4 · More than 100 people are involved in battery research at the Technical University of Munich. In five faculties, eight chairs, two institutes and various departments and groups, twelve professors conduct research with their …

Research Groups

Overview of 16 research groups at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) Electrochemistry Materials Theory Systems Methods Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fichtner Solid-State Chemistry The research group Solid State Chemistry is concerned …

Reducing battery knowledge would be a step …

From 2024 on, funding for battery research will be cut to a fraction of the previous years. A decision with far-reaching consequences for Germany as a location for research, science and business, says Martin Winter, founding director of …

Opening of the world''s first agile battery cell production

Flexible and Resource-efficient Battery Cell Production. In cooperation with Exyte, a German engineering company, KIT researchers developed special robot cells. "In this …

Fraunhofer Battery Alliance

Research work at the Fraunhofer Network focuses on batteries and supercaps, including redox flow systems. The value chain extends from materials used in the smallest storage units, …

Battery Technology Center Homepage

For the first time, the 2023 Power Storage Inspection together with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) also analyzed so-called saltwater and high-temperature batteries. More. …

Research Groups

Overview of 16 research groups at the Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) Electrochemistry Materials Theory Systems Methods Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fichtner Solid-State Chemistry The research …


Internationally, we are one of the main drivers of top-level research in the fields of battery materials, cells and electrochemistry. The aim which our research facility has is to develop …

Reducing battery knowledge would be a step backwards for German …

From 2024 on, funding for battery research will be cut to a fraction of the previous years. A decision with far-reaching consequences for Germany as a location for research, science and …

Faulty installations often to blame for battery fires

The Electric Power Research Institute, the U.S. Department of Energy''s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and German battery analysis specialist Twaice have jointly …

FoFeBat – Research Production Battery Cells Germany

The focus of battery cell research production is on researching innovative production technologies for battery cells in round, pouch and prismatic cell formats. One of the main objectives of battery cell research production is to …

Fraunhofer Battery Alliance

Research work at the Fraunhofer Network focuses on batteries and supercaps, including redox flow systems. The value chain extends from materials used in the smallest storage units, through to modular construction and battery …

MEET Battery Research Center

MEET Battery Research Center Research Services Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen 11,636 followers MEET – Where Science Meets Industry

Batteries from Germany | Production ramping up

The foundation for this is the success of the Federal Government''s umbrella strategy for battery research, says the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation …

TUM.Battery Battery research at the TUM

4 · More than 100 people are involved in battery research at the Technical University of Munich. In five faculties, eight chairs, two institutes and various departments and groups, …


Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology (MEET) at the University of Münster is one of the foremost battery research centers in Germany. Internationally, we are one of the main drivers …

Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB

According to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, battery production capacities will quadruple from 124 gigawatt hours per year expected for the end of …

Batteries from Germany | Production ramping up

The foundation for this is the success of the Federal Government''s umbrella …

The Faraday Institution

× Martin Freer CEO. Professor Martin Freer joined the Faraday Institution as CEO in September 2024. Professor Freer is a nuclear physicist. Between 2015 and 2024 he served as the Director of the Birmingham Energy Institute (BEI) at the …

Li-ion battery electrode materials

Atom probe tomography (APT) provides compositional mapping of materials in three-dimensions with sub-nanometre resolution, and is poised to play a key role in battery research. However, …

Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB

According to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, …

How will battery technologies and markets evolve in the future?

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is supporting research on new kinds of battery technologies with different funding measures. The aim is to develop and …

How will battery technologies and markets evolve in the future?

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is supporting research on …